For the second time in a row, Alon DAY and KENNOL clinch the Euro NASCAR title! KENNOL confirms its supremacy on the European scene, in all the Elite and Club categories. Indeed, the French brand wins all podiums again. Zolder has seen, again, an exceptional season ending.

The Euro NASCAR finals once again held loads of expectations. A very dense crowd, a very competitive package, a big show on (and out of) track… Everything was reunited for the pinacle of this 2018 season. And this passion is far from being faked! Imagine: at the beginning of the weekend, 4 drivers could still be crowned in the highest category.
And whether it is in ELITE 1 and 2, or in CLUB series, each Championship saw exceptional battling between it’s main contenders. Indeed the fact that each car and engine are the same allows drivers to fight equally. And we supply all of them with the same lubes: KENNOL ULTIMA 15W50 for the engine, and KENNOL ULTIMA 75W140 for the differential/transmission.
One last time in 2018, the Euro NASCAR stars fought on track. And once again, Isreali driver Alon Day had the last word. He reaches the record amount of 7 victories in one season. Moreover, he grabs a second back-to-back European NASCAR Champion title.
However, GABILLON, LASSERRE, and HEZEMANS, fighting too for the title all year long, deserve something too. But it’s really the Champion who decided of the season ending. After several months of difficulties, DAY found the guts to bounce up again. And after very low performance earlier this summer, he came back to wipe them all.
Fred GABILLON and Lucas LASSERRE complete this podium, for the sake of French efforts. And the achievement is even bigger in ELITE 2 with an all bleu-white-red podium at the end of the season! For the first time, Ulysse DELSEAUX wins, ahead of Florian VENTURI and Wilfried BOUCENNA.