The biggest Minis on the field are in the ADWShop Motorsport racing team workshop. And this new partner of KENNOL is briantly showing off how good KENNOL oils can be in those situations too. Back on the last FFSA French Toursim Championship, with poles and wins all over the garage!
At the dawn of the 2010s, ADWShop was born. They decided to sell absolutely every piece that could be found for MINI Cooper cars. Over the years, they started experiencing trackdays, and developed their own MINIs to be more and more efficient, by testing almost all brands and products (suspensions, brakes, rims, etc.) available for the model.
That’s how they soon came with a brand new construction and homologation for a MINI R56 (2006 – 2013) for racing competition, using the best suppliers of suspensions (KW Competition), roll cage (Matter Motorsport), braking-system (tailor-made Tarox), etc. The engine is internally developped by the new structure: ADWShop Motorsport. They soon became the only specialists in this niche, homologating (FFSA, SRO, etc.) the 3 “BMW-generations” of MINIs from 2002 to now.
This year, they choose KENNOL as their Official Supplier. Oil testings are still being held, in order to determine the absolutely perfect engine lube for those race cars. But the team has already stepped on the podium many times this season, en route for a back-to-back French Champion title!
“The cars are so performant that we are subject to a Balance Of Performance which limits us to 270 hp, and obliges us to add 60 kilos to reach a weight of 1060 kilos.” explains Mickaël BOISDUR, driver and founder of the ADWShop Motorsport team. Indeed, the 6 chassis are tightly monitored because of their outrageous performance.
The now officially Car Manufacturer keeps improving every aspect, each feature of his cars. And joining forces with KENNOL just seems logical for a young team that performs so strongly.
Are you ready to push them for the 2 remaining rounds of the 2024 season of FFSA French Tourism Championship?
Photos: 21 CREATION