KENNOL LR E-FLUID -37 是专为电动汽车 (BEV) 设计的冷却液。这种 H-OAT 技术产品可在夏季和冬季为冷却回路和电池提供最佳保护,并促进热能/能量转移。我们凭借在全球范围内的各种专业知识(混合动力和 100% 电动)开发了这一冷却液。含有苦味单甘醇(索引号:603-027-00-1)。
High performance bases and additives.
→ It insures an optimal long-term protection against overheating and freezing, against corrosion (for all motor and battery metals, including aluminum and ferrous alloys).
Organic technology (H-OAT).
→ It offers better performances with stability, resistance to temperature, ageing and low conductivity.
Ready to use.
→ It can be used in addition or as a complete renewal of the circuit for a better efficiency.
Nitrites, amins, phosphates and borates exempted.